...All Natural. Gourmet Quality. A delicious fruit spread made in France by an old recipe. Red raspberries sweetened only with grape juice concentrate...
Полное название продукта: Chantaine, Фруктовый Спред Люкс, Красная Малина, 11,5 Унции (325 Г)
Бренд: Chantaine
iHerb id: 27322
Laud Herb...
...All Natural. Gourmet Quality. A delicious fruit spread made in France by an old recipe. Red raspberries sweetened only with grape juice concentrate...
完全な製品のタイトル: Chantaine, デラックスフルーツスプレッド、レッドラズベリー、 11.5 Oz (325 G)
ブランド: Chantaine
iHerb プロダクト id: 27322
Laud Herb Tag: <a...
...All Natural. Gourmet Quality. A delicious fruit spread made in France by an old recipe. Red raspberries sweetened only with grape juice concentrate...
Full product title: Chantaine, Deluxe Fruit Spread, Red Raspberry, 11.5 Oz (325 G)
Brand: Chantaine
iHerb product id: 27322
Laud Herb Tag...