Superior Source

  1. Ива

    Комплекс Витаминов Группы B, 60 Микролингвальных Таблеток

    ...Быстрорастворимые таблетки. Биологически активная добавка... Полное название продукта: Superior Source, Комплекс Витаминов Группы B, 60 Микролингвальных Таблеток Бренд: Superior Source iHerb id: 26983 Laud Herb тэг: <a href='' title='26983'...
  2. Laud Herb 日本語で

    ウーマンズBコンプレックス、 ミクロリンガル、 60錠

    ...瞬時に溶ける錠剤. 栄養補助食品. 弊社の瞬時に溶けるミクロリンガル錠剤は小型ですが非常に強力です! 一般的な錠剤やカプセルは飲み込まなければならず、消化器官で非効率的に吸収されます。ミクロリンガル錠剤は舌下で瞬時に溶け体内に輸送されます。弊社が商標権を持つハイドロドライ加工により、一般より少量の結合剤と増量剤を使用し、より大きな割合で栄養素の原料を含有できます。 — しかも小型です。これらはあなたの体が現在必要な栄養素を即座に提供します。... 完全な製品のタイトル: Superior Source, ウーマンズBコンプレックス、 ミクロリンガル、 60錠 ブランド...
  3. Laud Herb in English

    Womens B Complex, Microlingual, 60 Tablets

    ...Instant Dissolve Tablets. Dietary Supplement. Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets may be small but they are full potency! Typical tablets and capsules need to be swallowed and are inefficiently absorbed in the digestive system... Full product title: Superior Source, Womens B Complex...
  4. Laud Herb in English

    Folic Acid Microlingual, 1,200 Mcg, 100 Tablets

    ...Instant Dissolve Tablets. Dietary Supplement Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets may be small but they are full potency! Typical tablets and capsules need to be swallowed and are inefficiently absorbed in the digestive system... Full product title: Superior Source, Folic Acid...
  5. Ива

    B-12 Метилкобаламин И Фолиевая Кислота, 1000 Мкг/400 Мкг 60 Мгновенно Растворимых Таблеток

    ...No Shot. Dietary Supplement. Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets may be small but they are full potency! Typical tablets and capsules need to be swallowed and are inefficiently absorbed in the digestive system... Полное название продукта: Superior Source, B-12 Метилкобаламин И...
  6. Laud Herb in English

    B-12 Methylcobalamin & Folic Acid, 1000 Mcg/400 Mcg, 60 Microlingual Instant Dissolve Tablets

    ...No Shot. Dietary Supplement. Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets may be small but they are full potency! Typical tablets and capsules need to be swallowed and are inefficiently absorbed in the digestive system... Full product title: Superior Source, B-12 Methylcobalamin & Folic Acid...
  7. Laud Herb in English

    Vitamin K-1, 500 Mcg, 90 Microlingual Instant Dissolve Tablets

    ...Dietary Supplement Our instant dissolve microlingual tablets may be small but they are full potency! Typical tablets and capsules need to be swallowed and are inefficiently absorbed in the digestive system... Full product title: Superior Source, Vitamin K-1, 500 Mcg, 90 Microlingual Instant...
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