...Ingredients you can see & pronounce. It's not a bar. It's Kind.. 500 mg Omega-3 (ALA). 50% Vitamins B3, B6, B12...
Full product title: KindBars, Kind Plus, Fruit & Nut Bars, Almond Cashew With Flax + Omega-3, 12 Bars, 1.4 Oz (40 G) Each
Brand: KindBars
iHerb product id: 24176
Laud Herb...
...Ингредиенты, которые вы видите и чувствуете. Это не просто батончик...
Полное название продукта: KindBars, Kind Plus, Фруктовые Батончики С Орехами Кешью, Миндалем, Со Льном И Кислотами Ряда Омега-3, 12 Батончиков По 1,4 Унции (40 Г) Каждый
Бренд: KindBars
iHerb id: 24176
Laud Herb тэг...
Бакалейные Товары
Питательные Батончики
Батончики Для Перекуса
...100% Whole Grains 32 g Per Serving. Fiber 28% Daily Value. Ingredient You Can See & Pronounce...
전체 제품 이름: KindBars, Healthy Grains, Fiber, Vanilla Blueberry Clusters,net Wt 11 Oz. (312 G)
상표: KindBars
iHerb id: 70917
Laud Herb tag: <a href='https://www.shruki.ru/tags/70917/'...
...100% Whole Grains 32 g Per Serving. Fiber 28% Daily Value. Ingredient You Can See & Pronounce...
Full product title: KindBars, Healthy Grain, Vanilla Blueberry Clusters With Flax Seeds, 11 Oz (312 G)
Brand: KindBars
iHerb product id: 70917
Laud Herb Tag: <a...
...100% Whole Grains 32 g Per Serving. Fiber 28% Daily Value. Ingredient You Can See & Pronounce...
Полное название продукта: KindBars, Healthy Grains, Fiber, Vanilla Blueberry Clusters,net Wt 11 Oz. (312 G)
Бренд: KindBars
iHerb id: 70917
Laud Herb тэг: <a...
...From Earth's Lands & Seas. Premium Quality. Low-Glycemic. Alkaline-Forming....
Full product title: Greens Plus, Protein Bar, Yogurt Coated Wild Berry Burst, 12 Bars, 2 Oz (59 G) Each
Brand: Greens Plus
iHerb product id: 21109
Laud Herb Tag: <a href='https://www.shruki.ru/tags/21109/'...
...Ingredients you can see & Pronounce Nuts & Spices. 6g Protein / 5 g Fiber....
전체 제품 이름: KindBars, Nuts & Spices, Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt, 12 Bars
상표: KindBars
iHerb id: 59874
Laud Herb tag: <a href='https://www.shruki.ru/tags/59874/' title='59874'...
...Ingredients you can see & Pronounce Nuts & Spices. 6g Protein / 5 g Fiber....
Полное название продукта: KindBars, Nuts & Spices, Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt, 12 Bars
Бренд: KindBars
iHerb id: 59874
Laud Herb тэг: <a href='https://www.shruki.ru/tags/59874/' title='59874'...
...Ingredients you can see & Pronounce Nuts & Spices. 6g Protein / 5 g Fiber....
Full product title: KindBars, Nuts & Spices, Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt, 12 Bars 1.4 Oz (40 G) Each
Brand: KindBars
iHerb product id: 59874
Laud Herb Tag: <a href='https://www.shruki.ru/tags/59874/'...