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...Cacao Powder, Bits of Pure, Dark Chocolate, Cane Sugar, Crystallized Ginger & Essence of Chai...
전체 제품 이름: Dagoba Organic Chocolate, 드링킹 초콜릿, 차이, 12 Oz (340 G)
상표: Dagoba Organic Chocolate (ダゴバオーガニックチョコレート)
iHerb id: 45868
Laud Herb tag: 45868

가격: ₩9,273
추가 할인: 예
한국으로 배송: 무료 배송 가능
제품의 순위: 3.7
상품평: 16
최선의 선택? 아마도... (리뷰 보기)

Cacao Powder, Bits of Pure, Dark Chocolate, Cane Sugar, Crystallized Ginger & Essence of Chai.
The Art of Chocolate Alchemy.
Fair Trade Certified.
USDA Organic.
Certified Organic by International Certification Services,
Dagoba is dedicated to The Art of Chocolate Alchemy: transforming exceptional cacao into edible gold. We practice Full Circle Sustainability - blending quality, ecology, equity & community into each step from the rainforest to you.
You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate.
Aztec legend holds that cacao was brought to earth from paradise and that wisdom and power could be had by consuming the seed. To honor this belief, our Chai Drinking Chocolate contains the finest organic... 자세한 내용을.
카테고리: Dagoba Organic Chocolate, 식료품, 음료, 초콜릿 음료 & 코코아