Defend Bcaa, Strawberry Mango, 13.76 Oz (390 G)

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
Команда форума
...7 g BCAAs Per Serving. Zero Sugar. 30 Servings. 2:1:1 Ratio Amino Recovery. High Dose Micronized BCAAs...

Full product title: Grenade, Defend Bcaa, Strawberry Mango, 13.76 Oz (390 G)
Brand: Grenade
iHerb product id: 70737
Laud Herb Tag: 70737 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $35.34
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 4.3
iHerb customer reviews: 3
Best choice? May be... (see reviews)

Grenade, Defend Bcaa, Strawberry Mango, 13.76 Oz (390 G)

7 g BCAAs Per Serving.
Zero Sugar.
30 Servings.
2:1:1 Ratio Amino Recovery.
High Dose Micronized BCAAs.
PepForm Leucine and Glutamine Peptides.
Coconut Water and Electrolyte Profile.
Dietary Supplement.
PepForm Glutamine Peptides.
PepForm Leucine Peptides.
Why Choose Defend.
Defend is an advanced 2:1:1 ratio BCAA supplement and containing micronized PepForm and free form amino acids.
Arm Yourself during your workout or consume throughout the day to Defend... read more.

Categories: Grenade, Amino Acids, Bcaa

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