Green Sprouts, Baby Food Grinder, Stages 2/3+, 3-12 Months

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...BPA Free!. PVC and Phthalate Free!. On-the-Go Convenience. Includes Grinding Spoon...

Full product title: I Play , Green Sprouts, Baby Food Grinder, Stages 2/3+, 3-12 Months
Brand: I Play
iHerb product id: 37764
Laud Herb Tag: 37764 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $5.39
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries
iHerb customers rating: 5.00
iHerb customer reviews: 5
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I Play , Green Sprouts, Baby Food Grinder, Stages 2/3+, 3-12 Months

BPA Free!
PVC and Phthalate Free!
On-the-Go Convenience.
Includes Grinding Spoon.
Food Grinder:
All-in-1 grinder, storage, bowl and spoon.
Make baby food anywhere.
Easy-grip design.
Green Sprouts is part of the i play., Inc family. Our company was founded in 1982 based on values that prioritize protecting our earth and out children.
Since babies develop by exploring through their senses and putting everything in their mouths, we make sure all our products are safe and conforms to US health and safety standards. As a company that has been at the forefront of children's health and safety issues, we're continually researching ways to make safer... read more.

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