Makeup Dissolving Facial Cleansing Wipes, 25 Pre-Moistened Wipes

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
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...7.4 in x 7.2 in (19 cm x 18.5 cm). Oil-Free. Instantly Dissolves Dirt, Oil & Makeup, Even Waterproof Mascara...

Full product title: Clean & Clear, Makeup Dissolving Facial Cleansing Wipes, 25 Pre-Moistened Wipes
Brand: Clean & Clear
iHerb product id: 68075
Laud Herb Tag: 68075 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $6.25
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries (for orders over $40)
iHerb customers rating: 3.00
iHerb customer reviews: 1
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Clean & Clear, Makeup Dissolving Facial Cleansing Wipes, 25 Pre-Moistened Wipes

7.4 in x 7.2 in (19 cm x 18.5 cm).
Instantly Dissolves Dirt, Oil & Makeup, Even Waterproof Mascara.
Johnson & Johnson.
These convenient, pre-moistened, oil-free wipes instantly dissolve all traces of dirt, oil and makeup deep down to the pores. They even remove waterproof mascara. In one easy step, your skin is left perfectly clean and refreshed with no oily residue, so there's no need to rinse.
Large enough to use on entire face.
Gentle enough for use... read more.

Categories: Clean & Clear, Bath & Beauty, Makeup, Makeup Remover, Facial Care, Facial Wipes
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