Alfredo Sauce, 15 Oz (425 G)

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
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...Since 1950. Made in Italy. Italian Cream Sauce with Pecorino Romano & Grana Cheese...

Full product title: Delallo, Alfredo Sauce, 15 Oz (425 G)
Brand: Delallo
iHerb product id: 32540
Laud Herb Tag: 32540 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $6.56
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries (for orders over $40)
iHerb customers rating: 5.00
iHerb customer reviews: 1
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Delallo, Alfredo Sauce, 15 Oz (425 G)

Since 1950.
Made in Italy.
Italian Cream Sauce with Pecorino Romano & Grana Cheese.
Made with All Natural Ingredients.
Product of Italy.
Alfredo Sauce.
Originating in Rome, but made popular in America, Alfredo sauce is a rich and creamy combination of Panna (fresh cream), Pecorino Romano, Grana Cheese and extra virgin olive... read more.

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