Raw Goat Milk Skin Therapy, Healthy Dent Tooth Regime, .75 Oz

Laud Herb in English

Laud Herb in English

English-speaking LH analyst
Команда форума
...Helps with Sensitive Teeth & Bleeding Gums. No Glycerin. No Sweeteners. No Fluorides...

Full product title: Tierra Mia Organics, Raw Goat Milk Skin Therapy, Healthy Dent Tooth Regime, .75 Oz
Brand: Tierra Mia Organics
iHerb product id: 56683
Laud Herb Tag: 56683 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $5.59
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries (for orders over $40)
iHerb customers rating: 3.67
iHerb customer reviews: 12
Best choice? May be... (see reviews)

Tierra Mia Organics, Raw Goat Milk Skin Therapy, Healthy Dent Tooth Regime, .75 Oz

Helps with Sensitive Teeth & Bleeding Gums.
No Glycerin.
No Sweeteners.
No Fluorides.
Suggested Use.
Place soap shred on a molar. Wet toothbrush & rub onto soap shred. Brush, rinse well and smile.... read more.

Categories: Tierra Mia Organics, Toothpaste
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