Spirulina Herbal Diet & Cleansing System, 180 Tablets

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English-speaking LH analyst
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...Food Based. Natural Energy Support. Effective Cleansing Action. Stimulant & Ephedra-Free...

Full product title: Rainbow Light, Spirulina Herbal Diet & Cleansing System, 180 Tablets
Brand: Rainbow Light
iHerb product id: 11503
Laud Herb Tag: 11503 日本語 Русский 한국의
Price: $23.77
Extra Discount: Yes
Free shipping: Yes, to 150 countries (for orders over $40)
iHerb customers rating: 0
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Rainbow Light, Spirulina Herbal Diet & Cleansing System, 180 Tablets

Food Based.
Natural Energy Support.
Effective Cleansing Action.
Stimulant & Ephedra-Free.
Dietary Supplement.
Safely Promotes Healthy Metabolism and Cleansing While Dieting.
Spirulina Herbal Diet & Cleansing System delivers:
Natural Energy Support-featuring chromium to support healthy metabolism and blood sugar balance, plus super foods to fuel the body.
Effective Cleansing Action-to jump start your diet and cleansing program with botanicals traditionally used to support liver detoxification, digestion and water-balancing, and to help expel toxins... read more.

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