Ear Plugs, Multi-Purpose Series , 2 Pair + Free Case

Laud Herb 한국어로

Laud Herb 한국어로

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...For Water & Noise. Washable and Reusable. NRR 27. Dap World - The Future is Hear...

전체 제품 이름: Hearos, Ear Plugs, Multi-Purpose Series , 2 Pair + Free Case
상표: Hearos
iHerb id: 63967
Laud Herb tag: 63967 English 日本語 Русский
가격: ₩3,712
추가 할인:
한국으로 배송: $40 이상 주문 시 배송비 무료
제품의 순위: 3.00
상품평: 3
최선의 선택? 아마도... (리뷰 보기)

Hearos, Ear Plugs, Multi-Purpose Series , 2 Pair + Free Case

For Water & Noise.
Washable and Reusable.
NRR 27.
Dap World - The Future is Hear.
Tested according to ANSI Specs S3.19-1974.
The level of noise entering a person's ear, when hearing protector is worn as directed, is closely approximated by the difference between the A-weighted environmental noise level and the NRR.
Attenuation Chart.
 (ANSI S3.19-1974)... 자세한 내용을.

카테고리: Hearos, 귀마개, Ginco International (Ginseng Company)
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2021 © Федор Шрука (ex. Laud Herb Organic Community)